A CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED Activity YET the State of Montana uses Protective Orders to HARSHLY and Unconstitutionally shut down SPEECH that Speaks Critical of Montana Law Enforcement and the University of Montana, otherwise known as Whistle blower Retaliation and Selective Prosecution.

So there was a Made Up Tweet aKa Falsified Evidence, and there was no protective order and even if there was a protective ORDER,  it SIMPLY does not apply to a CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED Activity. WOW. 

I would say that the Missoula County Attorney's Office, Missoula County, the Missoula Police, Ravalli County, the Hamilton Police and the University of Montana will be paying 100's of Millions of Dollars to Michael Spreadbury, Crystal Cox and Bill Windsor. As You see the Montana Police went after Michael and Crystal with Protective Orders in hand, to STOP them from Blogging. Yet hmmm, it was clearly A CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED Activity, and they CLEARLY knew this.

These same Montana Agencies that have CLEARLY Falsified Evidence against Bill Windsor to suppress information, chill online speech and flat out STOP the flow of information; well they did the same thing to the blogs of Crystal Cox and Michael Spreadbury, of which Windsor was FACTUALLY reporting on.

Crystal Cox's blogs were flat out shut down by a Protective Order, the man that threatened to kill her got, (Sean Boushie in case you forgot). Ya my blogs were shut down and I was not allowed to speak or blog his name or the University of Montana for a year, or I WOULD GO TO JAIL.

These same group of Law Enforcement agencies and the University of Montana, used an Unconstitutional PROTECTIVE ORDER to Shut down my blogs.  Yet now we see the MT Supreme Court rule that NOT allowed, AS A MATTER OF LAW.

And this same group shut down Michael Spreadbury's constitutionally protected blogs and websites.

So Pattern and History? You Bet there is and LOT's of Evidence to that FACT.

 I, for one, can hardly wait for that RICO Lawsuit against ALL OF Ya'll. Coming Soon.

So now about this Blogging as "A CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED Activity"?

Say What? Even in Montana? Ya don't say.

Well we already know that RIGHT? Yet here we have it CRIMINAL in Good Ol' Corrupt Missoula Montana, AGAIN? Not only should this case be CLEARLY dismissed but there should be an internal affairs investigation, a DOJ investigation, an FBI investigation and a Human Rights investigation into all of these agencies Immediately.  The EVIDENCE against them is mountainous and times 3, as they did this to all three of us and we all have lot's of proof. So ya, Criminal RICO and Civil RICO coming up, ASAP.

Not even a Civil Case, but CRIMINAL.

Doesn't Jennifer Clark of the Missoula County Attorney Office KNOW anything about the First Amendment? Has she researched the Boushie / Windsor history at all? Or any Montana Supreme Court cases, or say Ninth Circuit cases about BLOGGING?

Well look at this;

"The Montana Supreme Court previously ruled in Windsor v. Boushie that William M. Windsor’s blogging is not stalking and cannot be denied by any order of protection. Tweeting is a short form of blogging.

“…the offense of stalking does not apply to a constitutionally protected activity, § 45-5-220(2), MCA, and, as the District Court noted, the blogging alleged here involved First Amendment ‘free speech’ rights with which [Windsor and Boushie] each appear familiar and in which they regularly engage.” (Windsor v. Boushie, DA 13-0618 (Mont. 02/25/2014).)"

Source of above quote and Full Article

Can you IMAGINE, you have to contact an attorney as a matter of law. A University of Montana attorney, and then you go to jail for alleged violations of a non-existence protective order?

"Bill Windsor has filed a motion to dismiss the criminal charge against him for an email to an attorney.

As far as William M. Windsor knows, he may be the only person ever criminally prosecuted for communication of a legal document to an attorney that was required by federal law.

Yes, it is totally ridiculous, but two years in the Montana State Prison is not funny..."

"This is the alleged crime, an email sent on February 6, 2014 that transmitted notice of filing an affidavit in a federal court case in which the attorney was shown as the agent for a party.

The short story to this is that an email was sent.  Emailing an attorney is certainly a Constitutionally-protected activity as well as a legal REQUIREMENT.  The bogus protective order issued against me on August 23, 2013 expired.  Even if it hadn't expired, it did not limit emailing legal documents to an attorney, and if it had, it would have been invalid as that would violate the Constitution and federal law.

The State of Montana has no evidence or testimony to prove that I personally sent the email, and their obligation is to prove that I sent it for the purpose of commiting a crime.  That's a joke."


The charge reads: “On or about the 6th day of February, 2014, the above-named Defendant committed the offense of violation of an order of protection when, with knowledge of the order, purposely or knowingly violated a provision of an order provided for in 40-4-121 or an order of protection under Title 40, chapter 15, to wit: “Defendant emailed Claudia Denker-Eccles, Associate Counsel for the University of Montana, a third or subsequent offense.”

Exhibit 24 in the folder on the Flash Drive named Missoula Montana Criminal Case filed with the Defendant’s Motion to Quash Bench Warrant is a true and correct copy of something that was sent on that date: Notice of Filing of Affidavit of Mary Wilson.  This is a legal document that William M. Windsor was required to send to Claudia Denker-Eccles by federal law.  

As she was the attorney-of-record for the University of Montana, a defendant in a case filed by William M. Windsor, she had to be sent this notice and affidavit.

Exhibit 25 in the folder on the Flash Drive named Missoula Montana Criminal Case filed with the Defendant’s Motion to Quash Bench Warrant is a true and correct copy of evidence that the University of Montana was a defendant, that she is the listed agent, and that she was served with the required legal service copy.

On August 17, 2015, each of the State’s witnesses were interviewed. The witness with knowledge of the email is Claudia Denker-Eccles, an attorney for the University of Montana. She testified that she received an email. She had no personal knowledge as to who sent the email other than the name Bill Windsor was on it. She did not report the email to anyone. She did nothing but advise her superior that she received an email. She never made a criminal complaint of any type. She was under the mistaken impression that the University of Montana had applied for and obtained a protective order."

Source and Full Article

The University of Montana is as Corrupt and Lawless as it Get's I Say.

The Missoula County Attorneys Office and Detective Chris Shermer of the Missoula Police either do NOT know Montana Law and the U.S constitution or they are PAID to cover up the INFAMOUS Corruption in the State of Montana.

"Montana law states very clearly (MCA 45-5-220) that stalking does not apply to Constitutionally-protected activity. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are the most fundamental of the Constitutionally-protected activities."

Source and Lot's More

So Why in the WORLD does the Missoula County Attorneys Office and Dipshit Detective Chris Shermer think that they can use an expired protective order or any protective order to go to another state on Montana Taxpayers dime, to retrieve and JAIL some guy talking on a blog?


"William M. Windsor never sent a Tweet. 

The State has no evidence that he did. 

The State has no evidence or testimony to indicate that he knowingly and purposely sent a Tweet to violate a protective order. Jennifer Clark swore to Judge Karen Townsend that William M. Windsor knowingly and purposely sent a Tweet to violate a protective order, but it was a false sworn pleading by Jennifer Clark."

Source and Lot's More

For more Check Out

The State of Montana ABUSES the power of the Protective Order to Chill Speech and COVER UP Corruption; Year after Year.

STOP the State of Montana from Using Protective orders against Anti-Corruption bloggers, online speakers, to chill speech, shut down blogs, stop the free flow of information, and retaliate against whistleblowers.

No matter how you look at it, it is unconstitutional to get a Protective Order to chill online speech in which is griping about you, reporting on you, making fun of you or simply posting your name. The State of Montana used this to silence my (Crystal Cox's) blogs, and to silence Montana anti-corruption blogger Michael Spreadbury and now Anti-Corruption Blogger and Film Producer, Lawless America Bill Windsor.

In the EXTREME constitutional rights violating case of film producer, anti-corruption blogger Bill Windsor case we see severe Human Rights violations, Civil Rights Violations and flat out lies to jail this reporter and for allegedly tweeting the name of a man who allegedly tried to kill him and did threaten and harass him for years. We see a man jailed for a Protective Order that did not exist and the State of Montana protecting the University of Montana and a known stalker, and all to cover up corruption in the state of Montana.

It is NOT lawful to use a Protective Order to Chill Speech. 

It is our First Amendment right to Tweet, to blog, to report, to review, to gripe and it is not the State of Montana that has a right over our Free Speech to do so. Yet Montana uses Protective Orders for every dirty deed they want, as they can sneak in jurisdiction, they can put whatever terms they want to in the order, and they can shut up, shut down or suppress any blogger for any reason.

On the Matter of Montana having Super Powers of Jurisdiction over an alleged online Tweet allegedly from Texas by a South Dakota resident. How did this really happen?

If it were civil it would be  diversity of citizenship under 28 U.S.C.

Protective Orders have some super power, and the state of Montana abuses that power. The power that was meant to protect those really in danger, mostly woman from their ex-husbands and occasionally men and children from woman. It was not mean to SUPPRESS or CHILL speech or to violate our First Amendment Rights but that is exactly what the State of Montana unconstitutionally uses the law for.

I do not believe that Missoula MT has subject matter jurisdiction, or personal jurisdiction over Bill Windsor in this case. Windsor was never a Montana Resident and this alleged crime did not happen in Montana, not on Montana servers and not in the state of Montana.

"Once a court determines that it has subject matter jurisdiction, it must find at least one defendant over which it is “fair” (i.e., in accord with due process) to exercise personal jurisdiction."

Yes the above is Civil, however, keep in mind that Bill Windsor will have to file diversity in a Federal Court should he choose to sue all of these Montana agencies and individuals who have tortuously interfered with his business, violated his civil and constitutional rights, falsely imprisoned him and caused him immeasurable and irreparable harm.

Believe me, the sum will be well over $75,000 it will be millions upon millions.

Anyway, does Montana have jurisdiction over ALL of you out there tweeting? or reporting on Montana events, weather, politicians or even CORRUPTION?

Well they seem to think that if they don't like what you say, that they can get an UNCONSTITUTIONAL protective order granted to whomever you are reporting truthfully on, and then if you continue reporting, or exercising your First Amendment rights then they will come and get you in ANY state, drag you back to Montana and put you in THEIR JAIL and their Jurisdiction, completely against your will.  YEP TRUE STORY.

So if the ALLEGED Crime was committed Allegedly in Texas then doesn't Texas have Jurisdiction? And if so is this not a Federal case as the alleged victim is in Montana?

There was no actual injury or actual damages, and well there was no protective order and no tweet from the defendant and no crime, yet the State of Montana pursue's Bill Windsor.

For  your Study

So did Montana use this:

"Full Faith and Credit Provisions

In addition to enforcing protective orders issued within a state, law enforcement agencies and state courts also must recognize orders issued in another state or jurisdiction.26 The full faith and credit provisions of the 1994 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) require that every temporary or final injunction, protective order, or restraining order properly issued by a state court be given full faith and credit by courts in every other state"

How did Montana get Texas to arrest a man for posting online about Montana Corruption? How did Montana get Idaho to arrest that same man? I mean the Full Faith and Credit Provision is for battered spouses right? Not Tweeters.

In this Montana Case there was no CRIME, and there was false testimony regarding the existence of a possible crime. There was no protective order in place, yet Missoula County Montana jailed an innocent journalist, anti-corruption blogger for posting online about the University of Montana and Montana Corruption connected.


We will not let one Corrupt State VIOLATE the Constitutional Rights of us all with BOGUS, unlawful, Speech Chilling ABUSE of protective orders.

The State of Montana uses Radical, Unconstitutional Methods
to SILENCE Bloggers (Journalists) who expose their way of life, their culture of corruption, 
their corrupt judges and attorneys, corrupt cops and detectives and attempt to 
expose what really goes on within the walls of the University of Montana.

The Bill Windsor case on Top of the VERY same action
that the State of Montana took against anti-corruption bloggers 
Michael Spreadbury and Crystal Cox is 

All Montana Judges, Cops, Detectives, County Attorneys, Senators, 
Attorney Generals, Governors and all involved WILL be named
in a Criminal RICO Complaint.

The Conspiring and the Same Pattern and History to Cover up 
Corruption in Montana is now, more then ever, EASY to Prove.

For more on this Story Check out










More Bullying, Lies, False Court Filings and Flat out Gibberish. Let's Say you are on TRIAL and could face jail time for violating a Protective Order, yet we see below the State of Montana Admitting that the protective order did NOT exist in the First Place. Yet they jailed the guy in Texas and in Idaho for VIOLATING the Non-Existing Protective Order ?

MORE Lawlessness from Montana Authorities

This Motion in Limine is a massive Joke, right? 

It can't be true. I mean come on, the State of Montana, Jennifer Clark Deputy County Attorney and Detective Chris Shermer JAILED film producer, anti-corruption blogger Bill Windsor of Lawless America based on HEARSAY. Based on false statements of one man, that have been proven to have been deliberately false and based on his state word, with no technological proof whatsoever, now they want no hearsay into Evidence?? Are you Kidding.

They want no "Irrelevant Evidence", WHAT? Sean Boushie threatened to kill me, Crystal Cox, Montana Law Enforcement has known for years. Sean Boushie threatened to kill Bill Windsor, and claimed to have shot at him, along with stalking him, harassing him, bullying him and putting all of us in constant danger, all while paid by the University of Montana and "they" claim to want no "Irrelevant Evidence", WHAT?

All of their EVIDENCE, their entire made up case to retaliate against a whistleblower expose their corrupt racket is based on "Irrelevant Evidence".  If no "Irrelevant Evidence" is allowed then how in the world will Detective Chris Shermer and JOKE Jennifer Clark make a phony case and frame an innocent man?

By the terms of the Motion in Limine Below, it would seem that The Missoula County Attorney has NO "relevant evidence". As they have nothing factual about this alleged tweet, they only have yammering hearsay.  They have nothing that would have a "tendency to make the existence of any fact". Yet they keep on pursuing a false case against Bill Windsor.

Their ENTIRE case will mislead a JURY, as it has mislead the public, and the alleged authorities who are suppose to be upholding the law.

THEY say that what Boushie was doing was not relevant?? Hmm Bill Windsor is fighting for his life and allegedly tweets about his case and Montana calls that a violation of a Protective Order that may or may not have existed? Makes No Sense.

Behavior of Boushie is NOT RELEVANT? Are you out of your mind Jennifer Clark. He LIED to get the protective order, he provided false information in which you did not prove, and in which the protective order was allegedly given, and this is not relevant ??? Corrupt as it Gets.

So page 3, LINE 16 flat out admits that there was NO PROTECTIVE ORDER and coddles Mr. Boushie as to oh no, what he "thought"?? WOW. So there is no protective order but you JAIL a senior citizen, a reporter, for an alleged TWEET which is protected by the First Amendment?? This is a Joke RIGHT?

What ever he believed or thought or was told is HEARSAY Right Jennifer ?? WOW, have you even read a Law Book at all???

The STATUS of the Protective ORDER is NOT Relevant to you putting a man in prison for allegedly violating it?? Really?? Are you sure about that? So whether it was active or not is IRRELEVANT? WOWEE..

It is not Bill Windsor's problem if Sean Boushie got good or bad advise from his attorney, allegedly, what a bunch of hoo ha.

When a Guy, such as Bill Windsor, is on trial for allegedly violating a protective order, I would say it is EXTREMELY Relevant whether there was a Protective ORDER in place or not at the time of this alleged violation, wouldn't you? Well I guess not in the land of Corruption aKa Montana.

Page 4 yammers about Hearsay, when the entire case is the lies of Sean Boushie and about hearsay. His report to the Missoula Police was hearsay right? Or was it fraud or lies? I get so confused, I do know that Sean Boushie saying I had passed away and had some victims list I allegedly left to Bill Windsor had to be hearsay right? Or was it simply all Fiction?

Oh and the "STATE" never requested an interview with me, as I certainly can attest to all of this pattern and history. This made up case to CHILL SPEECH and coverup corruption.

Page 7 talks about criminal history of the Defendant, and that it is simply not allowed to be referenced to, WOW. And keep in mind folks in the land of corruption Protective Orders are not mutual and Sean Boushie gets them against many, and they are not allowed to fight back, to blog, to report or to even tell law enforcement that he trying to kill them or ruin their life or business.

It CERTAINLY would be relevant to know if the Defendant and or the State of Montana has done this before, hmmm I am betting they have. This is a Criminal RICO in my opinion and NOT against Bill Windsor but against the Law Enforcement, Judges, University of Montana and the Defendant, who is protected by MT judges, cops and county attorneys as well as protected and paid by the University of Montana.

MUCH More Coming Soon and Hopefully a Federal Investigation against Jennifer Clark and Detective Chris Shermer to start then on to Judge James Haynes, the University of Montana and more.

Check Out this Bull, that I refer to Above.


YES Chris Shermer Dipshit Detective, that DOES make it a Federal Crime, so why in the world is a tiny state court in little ol' Montana prosecuting the case? Oh YEAH to COVER UP CORRUPTION.

Chris Shermer, Detective with the Missoula Police says to litigant, defendant, Bill Windsor "did you know you have committed federal crimes?"  I told him I had never committed a crime.  He said that by putting things on the Internet from Texas, I was in interstate commerce, and that made it federal crimes."

"Then after the last of the witness interviews for the day, Jennifer Clark turned to me with a laughing face and asked me if Chris Shermer had discussed the federal matter with me.  I said he had.  Then she said she had spoken with the U.S. Attorney's Office about it.  I asked what they were going to do, and she replied that I would have to hear that from them.  Attorney Christopher Daly who was there from the Missoula Public Defender's Office told me I would know when U.S. Marshals arrested me.  BIG, BIG smiles on the faces of Jennifer S. Clark and Chris Shermer.  Christopher Daly has provided a statement confirming what took place."

"Then this afternoon, Jennifer Clark filed a response to my motion that informed Judge James A. Haynes about this.  In her court filing, attorney Jennifer Clark states: "Neither the State nor the police department told Mr. Windsor that the U.S. Attorney's Office was considering making this a federal case."  Here's Jennifer Clark's court filing. "


MONTANA is a CORRUPT and Powerful State. There may be few people who live in Montana, but believe me the Judicial Process in the State of Montana is as CORRUPT and EVIL as it gets.

Yes Chris Shermer, IF Bill Windsor committed a crime from Texas against a Montana Citizen then that is automatically FEDERAL, as a matter of LAW right? So why is Montana State Courts monkeying around? YEP.. To Hide Corruption.

So folks, Stay Tuned as this case proves Montana Corruption at it's finest. They dig in and refuse to let go. They know they have Windsor on False Charges and Flat Out Lies yet they coddle their paid stalker and they don't care what laws they break or whose rights they violate.

There is NO WAY this should not be going Federal. So why did Jennifer Clark and Chris Shermer, Missoula County AUTHORITIES try and bully Bill Windsor and claim that the case was going Federal then in court motions and on the ol' record they flat out lie about what they said and now they claim there will be no Federal Investigation, WHY?  There certainly should be.

There will soon be an Internal Affairs Investigation on Detective Chris Shermer, the Missoula Police Department, the Ravalli County Law Enforcement and the Missoula County Attorney.

Internal Affairs City of Missoula; Complaint coming soon regarding the horrific civil rights violation brought by Detective Chris Shermer and Missoula County Attorney Deputy Jennifer Clark as well as a couple of corrupt Montana judges.

Also there will be a Human Rights Complaint such as this one

Human Rights Complaint; Detective Chris Shermer is NEXT

Peace Officer Bill of Rights

Building Trust between Police and Citizens

Lot's more coming soon to this post.

Detective Chris Shermer and the Missoula County Attorney are NEXT. The article below is no surprise to me, investigative blogger Crystal Cox who has been reporting on Montana Law Enforcement for years.

An the “Unlawful Retaliation”, Internal Affairs Investigation Complaint and Human Rights complaint will be at Detective Chris Shermer's door soon, as well as the Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Attorney.

"The recently released Human Rights Complaint by Captain Mike Dominick against Sheriff T.J. McDermott pulls no punches and accuses the new sheriff of doling out benefits to political supporters while punishing political opponents.

The two men at the center of the “Unlawful Retaliation” complaint are Sheriff T.J. McDermott and former Captain of Detectives, now “Captain of the Warehouse” Mike Dominick, whose complaint recounts many incidents of concern over many years at the Missoula County Sheriff’s Department.

Although McDermott and Dominick take center stage, the complaint features the names of nearly a dozen sheriff’s deputies and many of the names involved are on other lawsuits currently filed either in Missoula County or Lewis and Clark County. 

Below is an excerpt from the complaint highlighting the extensive nature of the “enemies list” accusation.

Capt. Dominick’s treatment is part of McDermott’s pattern, practice or policy of maintaining an “enemies list” of those who either opposed or even did not actively support McDermott’s campaign for Sheriff during the primary and general elections. McDermott has in the short time since taking office subjected at least five sworn deputies to this treatment, three of whom have worked the internal affairs or professional standards function at Missoula County since 2002. Capt. Brad Giffin felt pressured to leave when they told him his position in Professional Standards would be eliminated. 

Undersheriff Clark, the former Capt. of Professional Standards, was demoted to patrol deputy, and stuck on the night shift. Capt. Taylor was terminated as Captain of Patrol and moved over to the newly created position of “Administrative Captain” to perform non-law enforcement functions previously handled by a civilian employee. Former Deputy Pavalone was demoted from public information officer, labeled “Brady impaired,” and then fired. Capt. Dominick, despite his expertise, leadership and years of service with distinction, has been banished to Captain of the Warehouse, in a remote building behind the jail, and given a low-level, non-supervisory job best suited to an evidence technician.

The details of the complaint also claim that before Dominick was made “Captain of the Warehouse,” he was given added pressure as Chief Deputy Coroner in an effort to “make an impossible work environment.”

Prior to McDermott, Capt. Dominick had 12 coroners under him, and they would rotate taking coroner’s calls, to give one another essential relief from work that is highly stressful. In January, Capt. Dominick was directed by McDermott, that he was to be on call for Coroner duty during his entire four day, 40 hour work week. During this time period he took every coroner call that came in between 6:00 o’clock, a.m., and 4:00 o’clock, p.m.
The complaint goes on to say that Dominick reached out to the new authorities for help saying that the added stress from the changes for the coroners was “killing him.”

Another notable aspect of the complaint includes an unnamed sheriff’s deputy accused of multiple sexual improprieties that Dominick thought could lead to a potential “public relations nightmare.”

Dominick reportedly went to the new authorities during the transition phase advising them to keep an eye on the deputy in question, but instead of questioning others involved, McDermott reportedly went to the accused deputy and said that Dominick was “saying bad things about him.” The complaints against deputy in question were apparently all “unsigned.” The HR Complaint lists them as follows:

The activity of the deputy centered around complaints of improprieties with females causing this deputy’s termination from two different departments, accusations of a sexual relationship with a young cadet, reports of sexual activity going on in the deputy’s car outside two different local businesses, unwanted sexual advances to a county employee, and the last and most recent: having teammates hold a woman at a traffic stop because he recognized her from Facebook and wanted to meet her.

Watch: Sheriff McDermott Responds to HR Complaint

In the final paragraphs of the complaint, Dominick notes that he is the “highest paid hourly employee in the Sheriffs office,” now faced with cleaning toilets and other menial tasks while the Captain of Detectives position stays empty. In a final appeal, he asks the Human Rights Bureau to investigate and “enjoin McDermott and the County of Missoula from discriminating and retaliating against others like him in the Sheriffs Office who might disagree with McDermott’s politics.”

 Human Rights Complaint 



the Constitutionality of Cases where Citizens are of Different States; is this really a State Issue for Montana as in the State v. Bill Windsor? He is not even a Montana Citizen and has never Been.

Between Citizens of Different States

"Constitutionally allowed cases
“[A]ll cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws
of the United States, and treaties;--
all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--
all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;
--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--
to controversies between two or more states;-"


"11th Amendment
Amendment XI

The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state."

If what Bill Windsor ALLEGEDLY "did", tweeting that is, is a Federal Crime then why has Barney Fife, Detective Chris Shermer NOT filed federal charges? I Say Detective Chris Shermer and Deputy Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark are nothing but BULLIES. They have no facts and are simply trying to huff and puff their lies and get bogus / corrupt plea bargains. The TRUTH will RISE UP.

Missoula Montana's Detective Chris Shermer and Deputy County Attorney Jennifer Clark are BULLIES, plain and simple. They seem to think they can yammer threats off the record and no one will KNOW. I say Bullshit to Bullies. YOU will be EXPOSED.

Dipshit Detective Chris Shermer has committed many criminal acts in my opinion and is criminally and civilly liable to Bill Windsor and the Lawless America Company. As SHERMER took a false report, knowing it was false and made false arrests that led to false imprisonment. And now this little pissant claims, off the cuff, that Bill Windsor has committed Federal Crimes? Ummm NOPE darling dipshit detective YOU have committed the crimes and YOU will be sued and hopefully indicted you little greasy corrupt GOOBER.

You have violate Bill Windsors rights and I believe if you check your little law books you will see it certainly cannot be legal to arrest a tweeter, someone exercising their Free Speech, First Amendment right, from another state and use taxpayer money to go get him and put him through the Montana Courts all for posting what is his First Amendment right and fighting back after YEARS of PROVEN attacks.

This will, in NO WAY stand up in the Ninth Circuit. I have an email from the FBI pretty much stating this. Maybe it's included in ALL that pile of evidence the real VICTIM, Bill Windsor gave you.  Have you even READ ANY OF IT ?

I know so much more than your tiny brain can handle on this topic so go ahead file Federal Charges, I would love to be in on that, so count me in. Oh and don't miss any of your EVIDENCE there Dipshit.  The Ninth Circuit will NOT ruin the lives of the entire world with a precedence that suppresses Free Speech for every single person out there tweeting, posting, reporting anything, SIMPLY because Detective Barney Fife and Bullying Clattering Clark say so, the University of Montana stalker programs demand that we be persecuted to protect their vicious programs.

Check your Facts Idiot. Read a Few Cases, such as maybe my Ninth Circuit ruling. Though Civil, it will apply as Free Speech is not criminal. However using a Protective Order to CHILL SPEECH is unconstitutional, but you know that right being an Internet Genius and all. There is TONS of case precedence on that one.

So Missoula Attorney Chris Daly says:

"Jen and William:   Here is my recollection of what took place at the witness interview of Mr. Boushie on Monday, August 17th concerning possible Federal involvement in the case.  When  I arrived at the County Attorney’s office a few minutes before the interview, William Windsor was speaking with Det. Chris Shermer.  I participated in that conversation as well.  At one point, Detective Shermer said to William Windsor something to the effect that ( none of my recollections are exact quotes) you know that what you did is also a Federal crime.  William Windsor responded that he has done nothing wrong so it couldn’ t possibly be a Federal crime.  At the conclusion of the interview, Jennifer Clark informed William Windsor that she had contacted the Federal authorities about his case.  William Windsor said when will I know if they are going to do anything  and I interjected saying you will know when the Marshalls scoop you up.  William  Windsor and I did leave the interview with the impression that there was a possibility that the case could be turned over to the Federal authorities although we were not specifically told that .  Chris Daly"

So is Detective Fife aKa Shermer simply bluffing? BULLYING? Is he prosecuting the case? Or is the County Attorney? Is this an intimidation tactic or more whistleblower retaliation?

Detective Chris Shermer, PAID by your tax dollars to hide Montana Corruption, Suppress Speech, Jail Journalists and bully senior citizens victimized by those in his jurisdiction.

"Jennifer Clark informed William Windsor that she had contacted the Federal authorities about his case." Yet when Bill Windsor wants more information on this matter, he is seemingly flat out lied to by Jennifer Clark Deputy Missoula County attorney.  She even threatens some mamby bamby SANCTION if Bill won't lie, I mean if Bill remembers things how they actually happened instead of how she is NOW claiming they happened. Jennifer Clark's legal tactics are bullying lies with no factual accuracy or evidence whatsoever.

As we see from previous posts, CLARK is now saying there is no federal investigation. WHY? I mean how in the world does Montana have jurisdiction over a SC citizen posting or tweeting? I mean that is a First Amendment right first of all and if it is big enough


We are on the Right side of the Law and the Right Side of the Moral Compass. Not even Death will STOP me from Exposing all of YOU. My Blogs live on and one day you will ALL be exposed. May as well expose who ever is making you lie like this now. As it is going to come out ONE DAY, Guaranteed.  United we Stand, Una Stamus, as they say, and we will not go quietly as we OBEY the Law and We tell the whole truth NOTHING but. YOU do NOT.

Oh NO Sanctions SANCTIONS. 

Hope none of the above is factually inaccurate. See, Montana Corruption. Your beloved CRIMINAL, the University of Montana and Sean Boushie well they done took it all and you ALL let them. SO nothing left to lose now. So Sanction away my lady. The TRUTH will RISE UP. So call the FEDS, Please. I, for one, am on pins and needles waiting for you to GET CAUGHT.

We will be Demanding an OUTSIDE independent investigation into all of your actions, starting years ago when Michael Spreadbury and myself, Crystal Cox told all of you. Long before you let it go on and ruin a reporters life.

The TRUTH will RISE UP out of this Cluster Fuck of Corruption. 

I Guarantee it.

Missoula County Attorney and Missoula Police Detective Chris Shermer have ruined a man's life, violated civil and constitutional rights and all based on MASSICE "Factual Inaccuracy". Yet now Jennifer Clark of the Missoula County Attorney office is crying SANCTIONS because she claims Bill Windsor has filed a factual inaccuracy.

Yes, Jennifer Clark, this case will go Federal and not only out of Montana but it will be in Nevada and New York RICO filings connected to all of this and it will be a Department of Justice complaint. This will NOT slip under the rug of Montana Corruption. 


The University of Montana, the Missoula Police, Hamilton Judges, and Lincoln County Montana Judges and law enforcement all connected to this have a HUGE liability to the damage they caused me and Michael Spreadbury. Bill Windsor simply reported our "factually accurate" story and was ATTACKED by Montana Law Enforcement.

Missoula County Attorney (Deputy) Jennifer Clark and Missoula Police Detective Chris Shermer have made a mess and ruined lives, as they act outside of the law in a massive array of NON Factual Information, otherwise known as MASSIVE "factual inaccuracy".

Yet now we see Jennifer Clark of the Missoula County Attorney is whining because she "feels" Bill Windsor misheard her and is not being "factually accurate" so she is crying SANCTIONS. 

Yet the Missoula County Attorney and Missoula Police Detective Chris Shermer have flat out lied in court filings, in pleadings, in motions and have used those lies to violate the civil rights of producer, blogger, journalist Bill Windsor. Talk about a HUGE misrepresentation of FACTS and willfully, wanton and with FULL knowledge that they were NOT FACT.

STOP Missoula County from it's Reign of Terror on rape victims, stalking victims, harassment and bullied victims AND hold Missoula County Attorney, Missoula Police Detective and Chief, and the University of Montana liable for the damage they have caused endless amounts of people over decades.

Montana Bloggers Crystal L. Cox and Michael Spreadbury were FACTUALLY ACCURATE in reporting on Montana Corruption for years. And we were stalked, sued, brought up on false and inaccurate charges, jailed, targeted, retaliated against and massively bullied and terrorized by the University of Montana.  Film Documentary Producer, Anti-Corruption Blogger, Journalist earnestly and factually reported on our story and Montana Corruption has retaliated, with no concern of Shield Laws, Retraction Laws, Free Speech Rights or the First Amendment whatsoever. 

IT IS FLAT OUT UNconstitutional to use a 
Protective Order to Chill Speech or to even flat out stop speech that 
speaks critical of Montana Law Enforcement.

Bill Windsor of Lawless America was FACTUALLY ACCURATE in his reporting our story of rampant Montana Corruption. And instead of the Missoula County Attorney or any other law enforcement agency looking into these clear and convincing crimes, they simply went after the reporter telling our story, Bill Windsor. And they continue to attack him, defame him and violate his civil rights on a daily basis.

Montana Shield Laws, the First Amendment and Civil Rights seem to be of no concern to Missoula County Attorney, Jennifer Clark.  This case is based entirely on "Factual Inaccuracy"

Yet now Jennifer Clark is whining for a motion to be withdrawn and blog posts changed that state what she was heard saying by the filer, the poster. And is his First Amendment right to publish. 

Bill Windsor is fighting for his life. He is up against massive lawlessness and corruption in the state of Montana and that is a FACT. Yet Jennifer Clark threatens SANCTION?   Wow, I wonder what they could possible do now? Millions in bail, harassment, gps tracking, health issues, jailed in many states, bullied, berated, harassed and oh no, now a SANCTION for some alleged misrepresentation? What a Crock of Corruption.
So now we know there can be SANCTIONS for Misrepresentation. Gee I hope that Bill Windsor can have EQUAL RIGHTS and legally be able to file SANCTIONS against JENNIFER CLARK for massive FACTUAL INACCURACY

Check Out this whiny dribble based outside of LAW:

"From: Jennifer Clark <jsclark@co.missoula.mt.us>
To: Christopher Daly <cdaly@mt.gov>; William Windsor <windsorinmontana@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: DC-14-509: Motion for Stay and Continuance just filed - Federal Investigation Issue

you motion is inaccurate.  There is not a federal investigation and I never said that it was in the hands of the US attorney.  I will be asking for sanctions unless you withdraw your motion and make it factually accurate.  "

So why is there NO FEDERAL INVESTIGATION?  Oh ya what happens in Montana Corruption stays in Montana. We don't want the whole world knowing how CORRUPT Montana really is. We like to keep it among CORRUPT Montana County Attorneys, Detectives, Judges and our beloved Corrupt Montana Supreme Court.

OOPS, However, it was FEDERAL to begin with, RIGHT?   I mean Bill Windsor was never a Montana Resident so why was the DOJ, The FBI, the FEDS not involved immediately? That is if this case is LEGIT.   When a case involves people in different states, it is diversity, it is Federal. It is across state lines. Montana trying to keep this all quiet, well that is certainly not legal and will all be in my DOJ complaint coming soon.

SO YA it is and SHOULD BE Federal Jennifer, perhaps some law review is necessary for ya. No time now but perhaps I will put those laws in a future post for ya.

Now Lawless Jennifer Clark says, 

"From: Jennifer Clark <jsclark@co.missoula.mt.us>
To: William Windsor 
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: DC-14-509: Motion for Stay and Continuance just filed - Federal Investigation Issue

I said I spoke to the US attorney's office.  Please correct or withdraw your false filing and postings.Additionally, the case will not be going federally."

Oh YAY now we can expect JUSTICE RIGHT?

So if Jennifer Clark actually "spoke" to the U.S attorneys office, did she tell them what Chris Shermer has done in taking a factually inaccurate report and jailing a man over it? Did she tell them about Crystal Cox and my true and correct chronology of events, crimes? And that Bill Windsor was reporting on me and Michael Spreadbury who were then Montana Citizens reporting FACTUALLY ACCURATE on Montana Corruption?

Did Jennifer Clark tell the U.S. Attorney that Missoula County DOES NOT take rape or stalking serious and flat out lied to the DOJ?

Did Jennifer Clark tell the U.S. Attorney that Detective Chris Shermer took a FALSE REPORT, did no investigation and yet took it as fact and jailed an innocent reporter with NO First Amendment Adjudication, No Civil Rights or Due Process, and no concern of the Shield Laws in which protect reports such as Bill Windsor?

Did Jennifer Clark tell the U.S. Attorney what the University of Montana did to Crystal Cox and to Michael Spreadbury in this same exact pattern of using an unconstitutional protective order to suppress our Free Speech Rights? That there is criminal RICO complaints here as there is CLEAR pattern and history in all this?

Did Jennifer Clark tell the U.S. Attorney that Sean Boushie threatened to kill Crystal Cox and the Bill Windsor reported on it, and Sean Boushie threatened Windsor year after year?

Did Jennifer Clark tell the U.S. Attorney that Sean Boushie harassed other film producers that Crystal Cox interviewed about corruption in Hamilton and Missoula Montana as well as Lincoln County Montana. Or that she has seen the sworn affidavit below on all this:

Click Below to Read

Did Jennifer Clark tell the U.S. Attorney how bad the corruption is that Bill is exposing or is she simply hell bent on prosecuting a man for allegedly tweeting the name of a man who harassed him for years, ruined his life and business, and put him in constant danger? 

Did Jennifer Clark tell the U.S. Attorney anything at all that would actually bring criminals to justice or make the world a better place for any of us?

Did Jennifer Clark show the U.S attorney every case filing, exhibits and proof? Such as this

Did Jennifer Clark tell the U.S. attorney anything about Bill's complaint against Sean Boushie and the University of Montana which is actually FACTUAL?

check out

Did Jennifer Clark tell the U.S. Attorney 

NO worries though, We will tell the TRUTH, 
the WHOLE Truth and Nothing But for you.

Much, MUCH, and MUCH more coming SOON.

Bill Windsor and the rest of us citizens deserve transparency. All information needs to be in writing and filed in a court of law. And not used to bully litigants into hiding corruption.

Also Check out



Jennifer Clark and Missoula County Police Department Detective Chris Shermer keep playing games. There will soon be an internal investigation on the Missoula Police and the Missoula County Attorney office I hope. As the Bill Windsor case is proving without a doubt they are deeply corrupt and protecting the University of Montana to stalk, harass, bully reporters and suppress TRUE, Rampant corruption.in Montana.

Jennifer Clark and Missoula County Police Department Detective Chris Shermer have made serious misrepresentations and should be sanctioned, investigated, and under Federal Charges. Yet they threaten Bill Windsor AGAIN. They are unlawful, unfactual, unconstitutional and they violate the human rights and civil rights of a reporter telling the WHOLE Truth and nothing but regarding Montana Corruption, yet say he is misrepresenting them and if "HE" continues then "HE" will be sanctioned?? What??

They have misrepresented, made up and flat out LIED about what they claim Bill Windsor, reporter, documentary producer, and anti-corruption blogger has done, said, and tweeted. And they have put him in jail in multiple states over it, yet they threaten some sort of sanction for blogging what they are saying? WOW.

No First Amendment in Montana folks.

And I wonder what these alleged "SANCTIONS" would be? Take away his birthday?  They have taken his time, his money, jailed  him, violated his civil and human rights, harassed him, lied to him and about him, broken the law, violated his rights to due process and his constitutional rights and really what else can they do? Fine him with some ridiculous, lawless, unconstitutional whiny SANCTION?

They are going to trial on made up charges. They falsely imprisoned a journalist for reporting on TRUE corruption in Montana, on my story of what really, actually happened.

The Missoula County Attorney is the one that should be sanctioned, and not only that but brought up on Federal RICO criminal charges for what they are ALL in co-conspiracy on.

Now we see the Missoula County Attorney threatens sanctions if there is misrepresentation of her willy nilly yap, YET the Missoula County Attorney has made all this up in order to FRAME Bill Windsor and cover up their own crimes.

Wa Wa SANCTIONS, what a Joke. They break the law, across state lines and violate all of our rights as we are harassed and attacked for years by the University of Montana and they cry SANCTIONS? What a Crock.

Check this Out.

"Bill Windsor is still out of prison.  Here's  quick update onpossible federal criminal charges against him for Tweeting from Texas.
There was a MAJOR development in the Bill Windsor criminal case on August 17, 2015 when William M. Windsor was advised that he may expect to be arrested on federal charges of allegedly sending a Tweet, sending an email to an attorney, and publishing the name of Sean Boushie, the man who attempted to kill him.
This was communicated to me by Missoula County Attorney, Jennifer Clark.  This is presumably the statute -- 18 U.S.C. 2262.  I've not committed a crime, and certainly haven't violated this statute.
When I arrived "home" this evening after a very dangerous drive, I received this email from Missoula County Attorney, Jennifer Clark:
"From: Jennifer Clark < jsclark@co.missoula.mt.us>;
To: windsorinmontana@yahoo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 2:57 PM
Subject: False information
"Mr. Windsor:
"I have been advised of information you posted on your website that I told you to expect Federal Charges.  This is a misrepresentation and I would like you to correct the false information that you are sharing.
"thank you"
Here is my response to Jennifer Clark:
"I published that you told me it was in the hands of the U.S. Attorney.  That was what both Christopher Daly and I understood.  As you will recall, he then said that I should not be surprised (or should expect ...not sure which) some Federal Marshals to come grab me.
"May I ask who you spoke with at the U.S. Attorney's Office?  I'd like to speak with them.
"I will post your email and my response online.  I'll check what someone else may have written to be sure the proper story is reflected.
"I would never intentionally misrepresent anything that you say."
Here is what was published on Facebook: ..."the big news is that it looks like William M. Windsor will soon be facing federal charges for his alleged Tweet, email, and publishing the name of the man who tried to kill him."
This was also published on Facebook: "So, Bill Windsor is probably headed to 'jail' again. Federal Marshals will arrest him and put him in a federal prison of some type. It's going to be like starting all over. This is kind of like Chinese Water Torture."
When Jennifer Clark and Missoula County Police Department Detective Chris Shermer spoke with me about this, they had huge ****-eating grins on their faces, laughing. 
I asked Jennifer Clark what was going to happen, and she said it was in the hands of the Feds. 
So, it looks to me like I will soon be facing Federal Charges for Tweeting, etc. 
Sure sounded probable to both my court-appointed back-up counsel and me. 
In fact, the public defender said while we were with the bad guys that I should expect Federal Marshals to show up and grab me.  He told me as we walked out of the courthouse that I would get a new public defender back-up counsel from federal court.  Sure soundedprobable to me.
I doubt that Jennifer Clark will tell me who she spoke with at the U.S. Attorney's Office.  She wouldn't even  tell me what I was charged with back in January. 
Michael W. CotterPatricia Cotter
I plan to call the U.S. Attorney for Montana tomorrow.  The U.S. Attorney for Montana isMichael W. Cotterand he is married to Montana Supreme Court Justice Patricia Cotter.  Justice Patricia Cotter is an extremely corrupt judge who has legally raped me on several occasions.  I'm sure Michael W. Cotter will "love" me, if he doesn't already.
Some of the crimes committed by courts are done by the clerk of the court staff.  I am experiencing this yet again with the federal court is Missoula Montana.  It appears that they are destroying my filings.  I have mailed to them three times and called them three times about my appeal of the refusal of Patricia Cotter and her associates to hold a hearing on my motion to disqualify Judge James A. Haynes in my Montana criminal case.  It has been over a month!  The clerk who I have spoken with twice has been extremely nervous.  He last told me "I don't have any FIRST-HAND knowledge about what has happened to your filings."
I have a certified mail return receipt delivery confirmation, and they were still denying receipt.
Let me briefly touch on the comment that I made above about a very dangerous drive.  I have come to the realization that I should be driving as little as possible.  After being in only one minor fender-bender in a lifetime of driving, I am now running off the road, almost rammed a lady today at 70 mph on the Interstate, etc.  My recent dizziness problem comes from the back of my skull, bottom right.  This was where the impact of my fractured skull was in December 2013.  When I am driving and turn my head sharply to the right to look to see if my right side is clear, I get a dizzy spell.  My depth perception seems a little off, everything does when I drive.  The tremor in my left hand is extremely bad, and my arm starts shaking badly at times as I am holding the steering wheel.  I've written before that I was going to limit driving until I finally get to see a neurologist, but now I must try really hard.  I could be dead today from running off the road on the side of a mountain in a hairpin turn.  That's scary.
Now I guess I'll have to work night and day preparing exhibits for the possibility of a Pre-Trial Hearing in Missoula on Friday.  There shouldn't be one as the case is stayed pending the results of my appeal to federal court.  But, nothing has been received from the court to remove it from the calendar.  I wouldn't be totally shocked if they keep it on the schedule and Federal Marshals arrest me when I walk in.  Maybe I can find a designated driver to take me back.
UPDATE: 7:46 PM ON AUGUST 18, 2015
I just received this from Jennifer Clark:
"You did misrepresent what I said because I never said it was in the hands of the U.S. Attorney's office. You have made several misrepresentations and if it continues during trial, I will ask for sanctions. Your recklessness with the facts is concerning."
Here is my response to Jennifer Clark:
"What misrepresentations?  You say I have made several.  Let's hear them.
"I believe you said it was in the hands of the U.S. Attorney.  That was my understanding.  "It's up to the U.S. Attorney," or words to that effect.  If you want to type up what you believe you said, I will be delighted to publish it.
"I have no desire to misrepresent facts.  You do it too well.
"I need my freedom of information documents.  May I send a courier to pick them up tomorrow?
"I will update this article with your latest email"
These emails give me the impression that Chris Shermer and Jennifer Clark got carried away with their gloating over this.  OR, perhaps they made the whole thing up.  OR perhaps the U.S. Attorney's Office told them they should get serious and go away.
Chris Shermer came into the Missoula County Attorney's Office and asked me if I knew I had committed federal crimes.  I told him I had not. Jennifer Clark turned to me at the end of the witness interviews and asked me if Chris Shermer had told me about the federal issue.  I told her that he had.  She then said they had spoken to the U.S. Attorney's Office.  I asked "what are they going to do?"  She responded that it was in their hands or I'd have to hear from them or something similar.  That's what happened.
P.S.  I have never been in a federal prison.  Just three county jails.  So far.  But, now it's possible that I could spend the rest of my life in a federal prison.
I wonder if I get to go to one like Martha Stewart."
