Bill Windsor of Lawless America is telling the WHOLE Truth and NOTHING but the Truth, as Montana County Attorneys, Montana Sheriff's and investigators, Montana Judges, Montana Supreme Court, and the University of Montana continue to maliciously prosecute him, criminally defame him, and violate his due process rights, his civil rights and his constitutional rights.
Montana Law Enforcement IS Above the LAW, and they do whatever they want to SUPPRESS the TRUE about Montana Cops, the University of Montana, Montana Rapes, Montana Drug Dealers, Montana Politicians and more.
All we are doing is REPORTING and in the process we are the ones Prosecuted, Harassed, Jailed, Bullied, and stripped of our constitutional, civil and human rights in the process.
"Bill Windsor looks like he is moving as his stalkers found him
Bill Windsor's stalkers have located his hotel in Missoula Montana.
It is reported that they obtained the information from the Missoula County Attorney's Office...
Bill Windsor has emailed Jennifer Clark, the prosecuting attorney, to ask if her office gave the hotel information to anyone as the Joeys claim.
Just when William M. Windsor wanted to believe that Jennifer Clark was not corrupt.
So, looks like Bill needs to move.
The Pre-Trial Conference was scheduled for today, but it has been canceled, and the case has been stayed until the Montana Supreme Court issues another corrupt ruling on Bill'sMotion to Disqualify Judge James A. Haynes for bias.
Bill Windsor is going to set a TalkShoe Show, so watch for the date and time."
Source of Above Quote
"Bill Windsor has a new viewpoint after today's meeting with the prosecuting attorney and investigator in his criminal case
Bill Windsor met with Missoula County Prosecuting Attorney, Jennifer Clark, today. Captain Bill Burt of the Missoula County Sheriff's Department, Investigator Chris Shermer of the Missoula County Police Department, and Judge Tyler Dugger of the University of Montana Law School class were all there.
William M. Windsor reports that he has a new viewpoint on things after the meeting...
Bill Windsor wants to believe that Jennifer Clark and Chris Shermer are not corrupt. They say they aren't, and Bill wants to believe them. They looked him straight in the eye and said they are not corrupt.
Bill is hoping that the meeting will result in someone looking at just a tiny bit of the evidence provided to determine that Sean Boushie is the liar and criminal that Bill Windsor knows him to be. This doesn't seem like too much to ask.
According to them, Sean Boushie was very convincing when he told them dozens of things that I know to be outrageous lies. I've never met the guy or spoken with him, but he doesn't write like someone who could come off as convincing. But for now, I'll believe that he simply snookered them.

The results of some Freedom of Information requests are starting to come in. This should be interesting reading. The documents may confirm Bill Windsor's theory about how these criminal charges were manufactured and by whom. For some time now, he has believed that this did not originate in Montana."
Source of Above Quote